Use "has no authority|have no authority" in a sentence

1. He has no respect for authority whatsoever.

2. Now this society has no central authority.

3. He has no respect for authority whatsoever.

4. “No Authority Except by God”

5. As far as America is concerned, the ICC has no jurisdiction, no legitimacy, and no authority.

6. The World Heritage designation has no statutory authority in Britain.

7. The council has no legal authority to force them to move.

8. Meaning that you know you have no authority to change anything.

9. Old woman, you have no authority to dictate or declare my place.

10. Furthermore, Conciliation has no legal standing and the conciliator has no authority to make a final decision or award

11. Authority responsible for issue (name, address and telephone No) |

12. He had no authority; he was merely a hireling.

13. He had no natural authority and no capacity for imposing his will on others.

14. “There is no authority except by God.” —ROMANS 13:1.

15. Please understand that the CAD itself has no power or authority to establish Video Relay Service.

16. 24 No party has authority to pledge the credit of another and bind or obligate another.

17. This is no mere hearsay, have itgood authority that any dissenting opinions are brusquely pushed aside.

18. You will have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on our behalf.

19. There were no fractious sects and gangsters to challenge his authority.

20. The Commission is demanding the advent of a proper air traffic management authority, a strong regulatory authority. I say no.

21. Indeed, it would appear that no Equatorial Guinean authority has carried out any inspection or control activities.

22. After revolution and independence the Sultanate of Deli still exists but no longer has any political authority.

23. Interviewer: Pakistan has multiple centers of power and no one is certain who is the absolute authority.

24. “No earthly authority can separate us from direct access to our Creator.

25. Because he had no real authority, the clerk acted in officious way.

26. There is a strong case for holding that no political authority can be legitimate unless it is also a defacto authority.

27. Don't feel constrained to do what he says - he's got no authority.

28. In a federal system there is no centralized authority, while in a Confederal system local offices give advice to a centralized authority.

29. Authority synonyms, Authority pronunciation, Authority translation, English dictionary definition of Authority

30. No development was to take place without permission from the local planning authority.

31. The EU has no authority to take direct action to enforce judgements by the European Court of Human Rights.

32. No army corps commander can ever be sure he has enough authority over his units to contemplate a coup.

33. There was no central authority in Tokyo, but rather complex system of local districts.

34. In practice the country was in chaos and Phetxarāt's government had no real authority.

35. True it is, that what the Parliament doth, no authority upon earth can undo.

36. You do this by equally distributing power to every person; thus no one has any more authority than anyone else.

37. (b) In what way is there “no authority” in this world “except by God”?

38. Because churches are autonomous, the denomination has no authority to limit the pulpit or deacon boards to men, he said.

39. He has three young daughters of his own, and loses no time in stamping his authority on the entire brood.

40. You have exceeded your authority.

41. Speaking of subjection to “the superior authorities,” he said: “Do you, then, want to have no fear of the authority?

42. Moreover, the Authority has noted that no open and competitive tender procedure was organised ex ante, and no ex post price adjustment clauses were included in the contract.

43. They were no longer disrespectful of authority, and their worship was anything but emotionally fervent.

44. 30 He has three young daughters of his own, and loses no time in stamping his authority on the entire brood.

45. Someone has to maintain authority here.

46. I have it on unimpeachable authority.

47. I could see no justification for Congress to Accede to this extraordinary request for additional authority

48. Thus, no abuse of process was committed by the appointing authority in adopting the contested decision.

49. Alb Limited is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority, License No: IS/ 79767.

50. No government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of the people.

51. 22 These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you.

52. Thus, it has pronounced “authority” over people.

53. We have priesthood authority planted nearly everywhere.

54. 2.Attested by other who has authority

55. Since the Almoner must obtain the funds or goods he distributes from the producers, he has no authority to command; he must ask.

56. Where no approval certificates for any of the relevant regulatory acts are available, the approval authority shall:

57. This sovereign authority remains central to the concept of statehood, but it is by no means absolute.

58. The earlier belief that rules are permanent and externally imposed by an authority is no longer present.

59. The prospective couple there had no decision-making authority, indeed no input at all in the negotiations that could eventuate in their marital

60. Therefore it is not possible to say with absolute authority that there are no potential Creatine dangers

61. By the end of September, Gorbachev no longer had the authority to influence events outside of Moscow.

62. Only the treasurer has authority to sign cheques.

63. Nobody has the authority to overrule his decision.

64. Hence, no state authority allegedly prescribes how much the company can sell on the export and domestic market.

65. The teacher has the authority to administer punishment.

66. Hence, no state authority allegedly prescribes how much the company can sell on the export and domestic market

67. 30 Further, slavery was a local practice which the national government had no authority or right to regulate.

68. No order or instruction of any public authority may be invoked to justify an act of enforced disappearance

69. Canvassing board — Membership — Authority — Delegation of authority — Rule making

70. No fees shall be charged by a competent authority for the scrutiny of advertisements pursuant to this Article.

71. The competent authority shall revoke a prohibition or restriction if the conditions in paragraph 2 no longer apply.

72. They have a hut that has no electricity, no running water, no wristwatch, no bicycle.

73. You would have to consult a higher authority.

74. Benwood McMechen Housing Authority is a Smoke Free Housing Authority

75. (Revelation 11:17, 18; 19:11-16; 20:1, 2) However, no human or political state has the authority or the power to accomplish this.

76. Benwood McMechen Housing Authority is a Smoke Free Housing Authority

77. The administrative authority must be independent of the legal authority.

78. While some thrift institutions have acquired demand deposit authority.

79. If a corporate public authority is unable to sue for libel it is, however, by no means without remedy.

80. It has a paternalistic approach to local authority tenants.